Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Is Your Resume the Definition of Insanity

Is Your Resume the Definition of Insanity Is Your Resume the Definition of Insanity 2Splash Résumés, a personal branding studio that is out to change the way people look at résumés, and shes also a member. When Albert Einstein allegedly said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, he probably wasn’t talking about your résumé. But isn’t that exactly what most of us do? We submit the same dull, dreary résumé to employer after employer expecting to eventually hit the bull’s eye and land the job of our dreams. That sounds like insanity. You’ve written and rewritten your résumé, and you’ve held a microscope to each and every word. But that’s not enough these days. The explosion of social media and websites like Pinterest, Instagram and Etsy are examples of how our communication has evolved into a more visual style. We use pictures to tell our stories and sell our products, and it’s very effective. I often remind my clients that their résumés are marketing documents, not just lists of accomplishments and skills. And the purpose of a résumé, like any other marketing effort, is to sell something and position yourself in front of the hiring manager for an interview. In this case it’s you and your skills. So, go sell yourself! I also suggest that job seekers challenge the assumption that résumés must adhere to a certain set of rules. Says who? Instead of doing the same thing that everyone else is doing- over and over again- grab this opportunity to showcase your innovative, creative thinking with a unique résumé that reflects your personality. If you choose not to hire a professional, how can you make your résumé more creative on your own? Here are a few suggestions to make your resume more creative: Add small, appropriate images Use untraditional, yet readable fonts. (A favorite is Garamond) Try switching your layout from horizontal to vertical Add swatches of color Earlier this month, I read a blog post on about a successful job search using a creative résumé. I was so excited! And this is not an isolated case. There are many examples of job seekers using creativity to guide their résumé design. Our work is a huge part of our identity, especially in certain cultures. Working on résumés can be an emotional experience for both the résumé writer and client. I once heard of a colleague who gave her client this advice: a résumé is not a “career obituary.” This is so true! Use your résumé as a set of talking points to sell yourself in the interview. Certain fields may be known for conservatism and conformity. But, there are firms and interviewers looking for fresh talent and new ideas. What better way to stand out from the crowd than with an exciting résumé? If something works, stick with it. But if it’s not working? Change the method, and you’ll be sold to your ideal organization or firm in no time.

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